Student Code
- Tuition is due the 1
of every month.
- Tuition that is not paid by the 5
of the month will incur a $25 late fee.
- If your tuition is not paid by the 6
of the month, you may be removed from the schedule and your time slot may become available to new students. (You are paying for a time slot).
- If you need to cancel a lesson, 24-hour advance notice is required to receive a make-up. (Make-up lessons are scheduled specified times per year. See calendar for dates).
- You are allowed 1 make-up lesson per calendar quarter. (see #4).
- Lessons canceled on the lesson day, will not be eligible for a make-up.
- No make-ups and credits will be given for no-shows. (A “no-show” is when you do not call and do not come for a scheduled lesson).
- There is a $25 reinstatement fee if you are involuntarily removed from the schedule due to nonpayment or “no-show” lessons.
- Please arrive early to class. If you arrive late for class, please be aware that the instructor is not required to teach past the allotted time.
- Students who desire to withdraw from any class should do so at the end of the calendar month. (You will not be eligible for a refund if you withdraw before the month has expired).
- A written notice is required to discontinue lessons. (See the office staff for a withdrawal form and it MUST be completed before the end of the month to stop billing charges).
- If we are not notified of your intent to discontinue lessons by the end of the month, your slot will continue to be reserved for 1 lesson, and the missed lesson will be documented as a “No Show” and you will be billed (see #9).
- If your instructor is absent, you will be notified, or a substitute will be provided.
- If no substitute is available, you will be notified, and we will schedule a make-up lesson.
- In the case of an instructor’s absence and no substitute is provided, upon request, you will receive a lesson credit when you pay for the following month. If you are discontinuing lessons, upon request, we will refund the cost of the missed lesson.
- The Registration and Kit Fee (if applicable) are non-refundable.
- There is a $39 fee for all checks returned by your bank.